Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Belly Up

Some may raise an eyebrow about my judgment that I've gotten myself in such deep trouble in not one but two marriages.  There is a bright side here.  My second husband put pressure on me for several years to fund a flip house with him as architect and project manager.  He did a master bed/bath on my house in Providence that was always WAY over budget and had to be shut down mid-project repeatedly when I'd run out of cash/over budget. 10 grand become 50 grand by the time it was done.  Needless to say, although the finished project was lovely, it wicked pissed me off.

I could never see the math on a flip house working in my favor or in a way that would keep the family (you know, the kids who need a roof over their heads and college money, me, all the other people who would be at risk including HIM) financially safe and sound, so I declined.  I also can't stand being overextended.  Just because you have immaculate and deep credit doesn't mean you should use it, not even to make your super hot but not so business savvy second husband happy.  The care and feeding of the insecure ego of an ambitious but undertalented man is not more important to me than the care and feeding of his children.  I had ruined credit for 7 years after my first marriage from the foreclosure of a jointly held rental property awarded to first hubby in the divorce, NEVER AGAIN.

Dear second ex-husband started an (overly) ambitious flip project with a financial partner 20 months ago, right as we were separating, made the newspapers when they started and everything.  It is now insolvent/bankrupt/barely under construction and their business has failed to the tune of over 1 million. Someone else, not me,  signed up to have their beautiful family's finances ruined by my undertalented and insecure ex-husband.  I got out of the marriage/any financial entanglement with dear second ex-husband 4 months before this all went South. He made off with 1/3 of my net worth in the divorce, which is very likely now GONE.

So it turns out that I'm neither dumb nor cruelly withholding after all…..I'll suffer unwelcome virally and bacterially contaminated bodily fluids from an insecure immature husband long before I'll share bank accounts, thank you….

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